Friday, April 30, 2010
Music for the Masses
Matt Maher: Set Me as a Seal
Twila Paris: How Beautiful
Adam Bitter: Hold My Hand
Jeremy Camp: Beautiuful One
Wedding Wishes and Butter Dishes!
2. My wedding wish for you…
3. May you have…
4. Always remember…
5. Always make sure to…
6. Marriage is like…
7. Always say…
8. Don’t forget to…
9. Never say….
10. Love means….
11. Marriage means….
12. Never underestimate….
13. One advantage of marriage is…
14. Marriage requires…
15. A good marriage is based on….
16. To prepare for marriage, one should….
17. The formula for a successful marriage is…
18. On your 1st anniversary don’t forget to…
19. After the reception remember to…
20. The most important thing to do on your wedding night is…
And after we’ll put them in a photo album, like THIS one that my mom bought me for all of my bridal shower photos.
So my decision was made.
Now on to the next conundrum, how do I display these in a conspicuous enough place for guests to be willing to fill them out? Somewhere that wouldn’t cause congestion at the place where the guest book would normally be. I thought the tables would be nice, but I was hesitant to clutter up our beautiful tablescapes.
And then I was strolling through the Dollar Tree one day and came upon a huge display of butter dishes. I took one and flipped it upside down, used double sided tape to tape ribbon around it and voila! A Wedding Wishes container was born! I’ll use the part where the butter normally sits for the pens. And put the cards in the upsidedown lid! Perfect! And how fitting that J and J Butterton repurposed BUTTER DISHES for our wedding! Hehe!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Guest Book Blahs...
I thought about the Polaroid Guest Book, which I thought would be great... but too costly for us (Camera and film for 200ish people = expensive!) and I worried that people wouldn't want to take pictures of themselves.
Along the same lines I thought of a mock photobooth (a "fauxtobooth" if you will!) where guests dress up in silly costumes and print out pictures on old fashioned photobooth strips. Once again, would people do it? And I'd have to appoint someone to take and print the pictures and that sounded like A. an extra expense, or B. a pain in the rump for whomever I'd appoint, and C. a waste if people didn't want to do it. So I ixnayed the fauxtobooth idea.
I've seen Family Tree guest books, but not everyone at the wedding will be family.
I've seen Quaker Marriage Certificates, but with such a large guest list we'd need a HUGE one!
Then I came across an idea that I fell in love with...
To be continued...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Brandy will do some wicked amazing editing on the images we chose. The first one is my favorite and the second one is J's favorite. Unfortunately neither one of us was thrilled with the other's choice in favorites... but since J has already mastered the art of compromise. We got MY favorite in a wall portrait and HIS favorite in a 5x7! haha! We'll probably go back and order his favorite in a wall portrait too, when funds aren't so tight… because, hel-lo weddings are expensive!!
Without further ado, our engagement photos! (All from The Amazing Brandy at Something Beautiful)
Friday, April 16, 2010
I'd like to introduce you....
Up first:
MOH - Kristen: Kristen and I met in the Baltimore airport. We both participated in the Crusade for Life during college, where we walked 1300 miles across the Northeast to spread the pro-life message. During our 3 months on the road we became BFFs! We laugh until we cry!
Sometimes during out 1300 mile trek
we'd get sick of walking and give each other piggy back rides
BM - Jennifer Rose: Jennifer and I met in the womb. I'm not joking. Our moms met and became best buds when they were pregnant with us. So we've literally been friends forever. She's as dear to me as a sister. She's got a great family including the cutest 16-month old son you'd ever want to meet!
This same photo of me and Jennifer Rose and her brother
is taken at every Christmas! We've had an annual
family Christmas party since we were 3 years old!
I can only pray that our wedding turns out as beautifully as hers did!! :-)
See what I mean??? If J and I have ugly kids I will know it's all my fault!!! :-)
JR BM - Rachel: Rachel is my 16th cousin twice removed/goddaughter. She's 9 years old and is super sweet and just a little bit feisty! I love that! She's a fashionista and a jock!
Here we are a couple years ago!
So there you have it! My 5 lovely ladies. I feel so honored that I'll be surrounded by such amazing and diverse women on my wedding day! Love you girls! :-)
Drama Averted
My lovely BM went to DB, found a dress she liked in the same color as the other girls' dress.
She ordered it.
I called my DB and ordered another dress for our other BM. AND even got some money back because the new dress was cheaper!! (Good work Ana!)
Whew!!!! :-)
So we'll have two girls in one dress and 2 girls in another. I think it will look great. In fact, my original plan was to let all the girls pick their own dresses... it kind of happened anyway...
So, a little bit of drama, but I got what I wanted all along! :-) Don't you love it when things work out like that!!
Go Away...
One of my BM's called David's Bridal several weeks ago and said "what is the very last day that I can order this dress to have it in time for a wedding at the end of May". DB said "April 15th". So, she called on April 14th and said "I want to order this dress" and they said "sorry charlie, that dress no longer exists anywhere in the universe."
So now what? I can't have ONE girl in a completely different dress. I can't have lopsided bridal party. (I mean, maybe one of the groomsman could walk down our junior bm, but doncha think that'd look plain silly??!!! I do.)
Well, after calling every DB in the country, telling them that this is clearly their fault. And that clearly THEY are responsible for fixing it. We decided that the only thing to do is for said BM to get a new dress in cornflower blue. DB said that we could swap out one of the other BM dresses, so we will exchange K's dress for whatever my other BM chooses. So we'll have 2 in one dress and 2 in another and pray it looks intentional.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Pre-Post-Wedding Depression
I couldn't shake my pre-post wedding regret when it came to these silly e-pics. So I cyber stalked MANY photographers in Bham. Called them all to find out what they'd charge for simple e-pics... and about threw up when they told me their price. Session fee $300. 8x10 $150. 4x6 $55. WHAT? Are you KIDDING me???? (Why do I not take photographs for a living!!???)
Finally I remembered a photographer that J and I met during one of our favorite "Aluminum Dates" to Gadsden, Alabama's First Friday. The studio is called Something Beautiful. And it had EVERYTHING I wanted! It is a little hip and urban and just a wee bit edgy (ironic because J and I are not so hip, very SUB-urban, and as traditional and un-edgy as they come!!). What drew me in was THIS picture found on her website. YES! SHE HAS A BLACK AND WHITE DAMASK BACKGROUND!! And she's reasonable! And she edits all glowy, like I like!! Perfect! We're scheduled for this Saturday at 4pm! Now, I just have to find something to WEAR!!! UGH!
Friday, April 9, 2010
DI... WHY?
First. Printing. We decided to have the invites printed by a professional. We couldn’t afford engraving (seriously, who can? It’s a fortune!!!), but we were able to use thermography (raised letter printing). The invites turned out beautifully. BUT, I designed a fancy schmancy little monogram to go at the top of the RSVP cards. I LOVED it. But when I saw it in person I was horrified. I’d forgotten that there was a scrolly design already printed on the RSVP paper. It looks uber busy. Of course, Mom, Dad, J and a dear BM all told me it looked fine and I was overreacting (who moi??!), but I’m still disappointed in the way they turned out. My only consolation, they’re RSVP cards, so they’ll get sent back to my folks!
Secondly. Direction Cards. We needed direction cards. Our ceremony and reception are in two different locations, we needed TWO sets of directions, and I didn’t really know how I wanted to approach this. I went to wedding mapper and tried my hand at my own maps inspired by wedding bee (if I would have stuck with these, I'm sure my guests would have ended up in East Zimbabwe for the wedding, and Alaska for the reception), nothing looked right. I finally decided to ditch the map idea all together and just print out the directions. Happily, I went about double sided printing both sets of directions on the perforated direction cards that came with our invitation set. Uh. Oops. You CAN’T double side print on perforated cards. I had no idea. So, back to square one. I ditched the perforated cards and bought 4x6 card stock at Hobby Lobby. I double sided printed those, 2 per card, and then had them cut at Office Max for under a dollar and it took maybe one minute! Seriously, if you need a big set of anything cut, take them to Office Max pronto!
Thirdly. Typing. I don’t know how to merge one document into another, so I spent an entire evening typing my guest list’s addresses into Avery label templates. And that was just MY guest list. Dad spent an entire evening typing his list too. My eyes grew crossed and my head started to spin. My heartfelt apologies if your label has some poor misconfiguration of your name on it!
Fourthly. Stuffing. I spent a whole other evening stuffing direction cards and RSVP cards into 150 invites. Thankfully, my beloved Cardinals were on tv. Envelope stuffing, Card's baseball, and Imo's Pizza/toasted ravioli. If you're from St. Louis, I've just described your image of heaven (sans envelope stuffing, I hope!)
Fifthly. The bows. I told my mom that the bows that came with the set weren’t critical. We could just leave them off. It’d save us a lot of work and they wouldn’t be missed. Mom liked the bows. So, I started tying them on the invitations. Mom said something along the lines of “can’t you get them to look normal”, I couldn’t. But she could, hers looked like perfect little Martha Stewart bows, so she took over the bow tying task. 9 days, and a finger blister later, she has 150 perfectly tied bows. (actually, some people might not have gotten bows.... maybe it was more like 30 perfectly tied bows... but they are PERFECT.)
My Attempt:
Mom (Momtha Stewart)'s Perfection:
Sixthly (I’m making up words). The label putting on. Our invites are black. So we needed labels, as I mentioned thirdly, we printed them on Avery templates. Avery templates are wonderful. But they don’t actually put the labels on for you, where's Mr. Avery for that?? You have to do that yourself. ;-p hehe! Well, Mom had to do that herself. I was back in Birmingham by that time. Another. Day’s. Work. (PS. Thanks for all your hard work, Mom!)
Seventhly. Work invites. All the aforementioned hard work doesn’t count the invites we’re giving friends from work (J and I work together). We decided to do those separately, since we only had 150 fancy invites. We got 2 sets of black and white damask(ish) invites from Gartners. I took a bunch of the extra sillyly printed RSVP cards with me to stuff in the work invites. Oops, they are done in raised lettering. I can’t send out raised letter RSVP cards and flat invites. So, I sent off the work invites to a printer in Birmingham (didn’t get nearly the good deal we got in St. Louis!) for them to be done in thermography as well. Still waiting on those. And then the long, tedious task starts all over! Thank goodness there aren’t any bows on those!
The moral of this story. It might cost a teensy bit more. But don’t DIY your invites. Seriously, who needs the headache... or the blisters. You could order your invites, and they could arrive in a box, neatly, completely at your door.
Flow It, Show It, Long as God Can Grow It, My HAIR
to this...
In the time we’ve been dating. (I also got the gap in my teeth closed a couple years ago in anticipation of our wedding day. I'm serious. This was a good year and a half pre-engagement!... I'm only admitting all of this because I will be getting married in SIX weeks! hehe!)
Now its practically time for the wedding. I had my hair trial this weekend. I worried that my hair was TOO long. That it would compete with the beautiful V at the back of my gown. J would adamantly disagree and my mom would give her left leg for me to cut my hair into a shoulder length bob as I wore it for 24 of my 28 years. I contemplated getting a PRE-wedding chop, but decided on a mere trim instead. I'm so glad I did. At my trial my hair held the curl better than it had EVER done before!
I spent hours scouring the internet for the perfect wedding do and for the perfect wedding stylist. Since I live in Birmingham (and am madly in love with my stylist here… and even thought about flying him to St. Louis for the wedding), I’ve had to take a leap of faith in the hair department. I noticed on Facebook that an old high school friend got married. I LOVED her hair, so I emailed her and asked her where she got her hair done. She told me, I scheduled an appointment and I spent TWO hours getting it recreated on my head!
(NOTE TO SELF: before taking a picture that you will willingly post on the internet for countless people to view... please freshen up your makeup and tuck in your bra straps)
The next day I did a little bump in front. I tried on my veil. I got tingly! I found my REAL bridal hair style! Unfortunately it would mean not wearing the tiara that my dear friend was letting me use as my "something borrowed". And I thought for sure my mom would refuse to have a daughter who was a tiara-less bride. So I sat at the table with my mom, with my tingle inducing hair, she looked at me and said "you should wear your hair like that for the wedding". So there you have it. The story of how my wedding hair developed. ;-) Here's what I'm going for...
Brilliant Photographers!
I’m sure what I like about both artists is their impeccable photo editing. I mean, photography is a whole different ballgame than it was 10 years ago. I believe that if you learn to edit really well, that is what sets you apart from other wedding photographers. I adore that new “glowy” feel. It’s almost magical!
Jessica Claire shoots a lot of romantic Mid-Summer Nights Dreamish photos, of weddings with a lot more uniqueness and style than my “I know damask is overdone” wedding. I wouldn’t pick that level of vintagey goodness for my own nuptials, but there’s something about her images that I’m absolutely drawn to! It’s that vintage image done in a modern way that I love.
When I first started planning my Aluminum Wedding, I knew I wanted “classic and timeless”, I know I am having elements of 2010 (such as the forementioned overdone damask), but my hope is that when my kids look at my wedding album, they find little to laugh at! :-)